Tracking consent

result: 86% increase in accepted tracking

How do we get users to accept tracking for better personalisation?

  • I listened to: Ben Monder

  • I ate: protein mousse cups



Figma, MIRO,


Research, stakeholder management

image of our acquisition form with the long, old content to request tracking consent

Our cookie and paid media acceptance rates were very low.

How can we show users the benefits of tracking without using dark patterns, confusing language, or otherwise trick them into accepting it?



Users aren’t comfortable with 3rd party data sharing

Long copy causes confusion

Users want control over their data

Under IDFA we need to rethink how we request opt-ins for our app.


Define business problems and meet with stakeholders to define the requirements for their respective products: dotcom or apps. Define what data we collect during which part of the user journey and what permissions do we then need to collect.

Research and outline the benefits of data collection to show users what the experience would look like with or without permissions

Rewrite content along with Rachel Amesbury and test the user understanding of the content and what happens with tracking consent


Opt in increased by 86%

We were able to align all stakeholders to make sure that the user problems drove the design rather than the business or legal wishes

basic user journey

Frictionless acquisition


Naked Labs